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Reflexology Association of Australia brings you

NSW/ACT Annual Branch Meeting & Workshop Day

Sunday 26 May 2024

"Pat Brunton Room - Crows Nest Community Centre - 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest"

 CPT:   7 CPT Activity 1 RAoA Program

Proudly hosted by the RAoA NSW Branch (members and non-members welcome to attend)




08:30 - 08:50                 Member Registration, Networking & Trade Tables

08:50 - 09:00                 Welcome & Housekeeping

09:00 - 10:00                 Presenter: Andy Bryant (via Zoom) Transitioning to Barefoot / Natural Footwear - Podiatrist

10:00 - 10:30                 Morning Tea Networking and Trade Tables Practicum Exchange Opportunity 

10:30 - 12:00                 ABM / Nominations / Graeme Murray Award / New Committee

12:00 - 13:00                 Presenter: Christopher Potter Feet First / Movement & Breathing - Reflexologist & Yogi

13:00 - 14:00                 Lunch (BYO or Cafés nearby) Networking and Trade Tables Practicum Exchange Opportunity 

14:00 - 15:00                 Presenter: Louise Sage Tapping into Wellbeing / Scripting your intentions - EFT

15:30 - 16:15                 Member Talks: Leon Botes & Anne Moorcroft  Journal Review (20 mins) Dentia Communication (20 mins

16:15 - 16:45                 Afternoon tea, networking, trade tables Practicum Exchange Opportunity

16 :45 - 17:00                Final Raffle Draw & Sound Bowls

17:00                             Close of the Day



Participants are advised to wear loose-fitting clothing to allow for full-body movement during Yoga presentation.

About the presentation: Transitioning clients to Barefoot/Natural Footwear

Learn about the benefits are wearing 'less shoe'.

About the presenter:  Andrew Bryant - Bryant Podiatry

Learn about the benefits of going barefoot.

Learn how barefoot or minimalist shoes fill that space.

Help your  clients get accustome to using their feet naturally.


About the presentation: "Feet First" Movement & Breathing"

Learn about the benefits are wearing 'less shoe'.

Learn about the benefits of going barefoot.

Learn how barefoot or minimalist shoes fill that space.

Help your  clients get accustome to using their feet naturally.

About the presenter:  Christopher Potter

Christopher Potter has been practicing Yoga since 1999 and professionally teaching since 2011.  Obtaining his original Reflexology qualification in the UK in 2002, he wasChris Potter

certified with the RAoA in 2010.  His passion for the benefits and effectiveness of Reflexology has lead to a foot focus in his other modalities, including Accupressure Massage and yoga, seeing the feet as the foundation for how the body optimally moves, changes and grows and effecting every other part of the body as a result.

The session will empower you to focus on function rather than form, and to experience 'why' rather than try to remember 'what' the exact sequence need to be.

Based on the condition of the group on the day, the practice will include standing and sitting and can also incorporate a chair so that everyon e can fel comforatble to participate - focusing and building from the feet, with seasonally focused breathing and moments utilising some Reflexology and Traditional Chinese Medicing (TCM) meridian line realtionships whilst trying to avoid information overload as respite from the rest of the day's activities by including plenty of other moments to simply experience and be, trying to tuen the mind off - or at least quieten it down a bit.

Many of you will already be familiar and knowleable with your own regular practise and others may be wanting to start (or get back into) one, so in either case simply experiencing a few moments to connect with your own body and seeing how it feels from a different perspecitve is the only goal for the seesion today.

Whether we feel experienced or inexperienced, the basic idea is that we each alredy innately know what feels beneficial and what we nee to be doing - giving equal considratrions to the opposite aspect of that knowledge - so this session can provid the space and give you some ideas and guidance on how to best connect wihin and achieve an overall beneficial result.

Spoiler alert:  The key is the breath and how breating, like Reflexology, can be used to effect the entire body.


About the presentation: "EFT Tapping for Reflexology Practionters"

Learn about clinical EFT and how to use it for stress management.

A Reflexoligist could use EFT techniques to help them be more attentive to the client or to protect themselves from an emotionally demanding encounter.

Learn to use EFT to enhance yoru own wellbeing and to be present and calm when working with clients.

What conditions can EFT help?

There is much research into EFT with over 300+ papers in peer reviewed journals.

EFT can help with the following areas:

Stress reduction - cortisol reduced on average of 43% with one hour of tapping


Chronic Pain


Small animal phobias

Food cravings

Wight loss


Lowering blood pressure

Immune System markers increased

2019: Blue Knot Foundation for (trauma) includes EFT and PTSD clinical guidelines in Australia

Goal Setting

Self Confidence

73 Genes changed after 1 hour of tapping

Benefits of EFT to the therapist:

EFT can keep your nervous system regulated and your stress levels lower.  As the nervous system is calmed and the stress response lowered and the logical thinging part of the brain - the prefrontal cortex, and the momory centre - the hippocampus, are activated and this results in clearer thingin and better problem solving.

EFT can be used to setup your intentions for the day and client sessions.  It is also useful to process and release any possilble negative eneray from the day.


About the presenter:  Louise SageLouise Sage

Louise is a certified Advanced Clinical EFT pratitioner and Evidence Based EFT Trainer and Mentor.  She is also par of the Mind Heart Connect Trauma Taining team.  In conjunction with Dr Peta Stapelton, she is also involved in the research trials of EFT here in Australia.

Her passion is teaching EFT to healthcare professionals and empower her clientss on how to use EFT for everyday stressors.  With many years of experience in guiding her clients to find relief from feelings of stress, owerwhelm, self-criticism, anxiety, anger and fear.

It is her passion to help her clients fild and disolve limiting beliefs and patterns that keep them stuck and confined in discontent and fear.



  • Tribe of the Tree - Jayne Tancred & Scott Harris
  • Align Reflex Aromas - Jill Joris
  • Shira’s Affirmation Cards - Shira Halberstadt
  • Book Stall: quality second-hand Reflexology books & resources

    Silent Auction: Foldable Reflexology Chair & Stool (Schilling Stahlrohrmobel)

    Raffle Prizes: 1st - 2nd - 3rd Prize

    Flowers: Floral Craftsman - Mosman

Table of Fees

Your registration also includes morning and afternoon tea (BYO lunch).


Early Bird Pricing

(Valid until 22nd May 2024)

Standard Pricing

(Valid from 23rd May 2024

RAoA PM, IM, AM & Student


RAoA Non-Members



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Please let us know if you have any special needs or food allergies. While every effort is made to assist with your requirements, it is the individuals’ responsibility to check the food supplied. The choice to consume the food product is in the hands of the individual person. RAoA will assume no liability for any adverse reactions that may occur. Participants are advised to wear loose-fitting clothing to allow for full-body movement during Yoga presentation.

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Registration Payments by EFT (Direct Deposit) or Cheque:

  • Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct Deposit) - Ensure you use a transfer reference of "Energy MemberNo Surname" (e.g. Energy 2888 Smithe)
BSB: 084 130


*Registration Terms and Conditions for Branch Workshop
RAoA Cancellation Policy

By enrolling in the workshop on 26 May 2024, you are also agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions.


Cancellations received in writing to admin@reflexology.org.au by 23rd June 2024 will receive a refund less a $75 administration fee. Cancellations received from 24th June 2024 will not be eligible for any refund, however you can send someone in your place. Please note: this is your own personal arrangement. The notice of a change in person must be received by Accounts admin@reflexology.org.au by no later than Tuesday 21st June 2024 in order for the changes to take effect, otherwise this arrangement is nil and void. You will need to make your own arrangement with that person re payment exchange.  The RAoA will not be responsible or liable whatsoever. A $35 administration fee applies and payable at the time of the notice of change.

Registrations close when workshop is deemed FULL or Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

Workshop/Event Cancellation or Postponement

The RAoA Ltd does not accept any liability for losses incurred in the circumstance of a Workshop/Event being cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances that renders performance of this workshop/event inadvisable, illegal, impracticable or impossible. An unforeseen circumstance shall include, but shall not be limited to: an Act of God; infectious disease outbreak, industrial disruptions, service provider failures, governmental restrictions and/or regulations; war or apparent act of war; terrorism or apparent act of terrorism; disaster; civil disorder, disturbance, and/or riots; curtailment, suspension, and/or restriction on transportation; or any other emergency.

In the circumstance that the workshop/event is cancelled for any of the above reasons, no refunds will be issued. All available funds, after cancellation expenses, will be credited towards a future workshop/event held by the RAoA.


The registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. Participants are advised to take out personal insurance, including cover for travel, accommodation and personal possessions. RAoA Ltd does not cover individuals against the cancellations of bookings for any reason including cancellation or postponement of the workshop/event or for theft or damage to belongings.

N.B: Interstate, overseas or distance attendees please confirm your workshop booking before arranging flights and accommodation in the event dates and venues have changed for some unforeseen circumstance.